Starting: $38,045
After 5 years* (*based on current contract): $55,363
The Sangamon County Sheriff Merit Commission is accepting applications for Sangamon County Corrections Officer positions.
Sangamon County Sheriff's Office
1 Sheriff's Plaza
Springfield, IL 62701
(Click on Careers link then Sheriff's Office Employment Application)
Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
Applicants meeting the requirements and passing the physical agility test will be notified of the location of the written exam and physical agility exams. Applications for this position are accepted on an ongoing basis, deadlines above are for this testing cycle.
Applications for current testing cycle are due by:
February 25, 2022 at 4 PM
Applications received outside this testing cycle will be filed and applicant will be notified of next testing cycle.
Eligibility requirements to be appointed a Sangamon County Correction Officer are listed below.
Appointment Requirements:
Please download current job application. One application may be submitted for multiple positions.
1 Sheriff's Plaza
Springfield, IL 62701
Ad viewed 2389 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs