As of 1/1/2021:
Officers with fewer than two years of service start at $67,642; top pay of $102,354 reached in seven years.
Excellent fringe benefits including:
12-hour schedule, assignment to a.m. watch or p.m. watch, 2 days on-duty, 2 days off-duty, 3 days on-duty, 2 days off-duty, 2 days on-duty, and then 3 days off-duty. This format permits all officers assigned to the Patrol Division to have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off every other week.
Within 12 months of probationary hire, officers are required to reside within the area bounded by Lake Michigan on the east, Interstate 39/51 on the west, the Wisconsin border on the north, and Interstate 80 on the south.
Application packets are available at:
Police Department
401 East Irving Park Road
Twenty-four hours a day
Applications will always be accepted. Your complete application and all required documents must be received for you to be eligible for further consideration.
Mailed to:
Human Resources
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
Returned in person on business days between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM to:
Human Resources
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois
Returned in person on weekends and evenings to:
Police Station
401 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois
Via email:
By calling:
Village Hall
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
Equal Opportunity Employer
Ad viewed 2252 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs