Starting: $64,849 - $97,671 (as of contract expiring May 2028)
The Village of Rockton, Illinois Board of Police and Fire Commissioners is accepting applications for the position of police officer with the Rockton Police Department.
Copies of the following documents MUST be included with your application:
Following completion of all application materials and review of minimum qualifications, successful applicants will be invited to attend the following:
Clear your calendar and make sure you are available on the following date: All candidates will receive an email approximately one week prior regarding their status in the process.
Mandatory Orientation and Written Test:
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Check-in at 6:00 PM
(Orientation at 6:30 PM; Written Test immediately following)
Hononegah Community High School - Library
307 Salem Street
Rockton, IL 61072
Ad viewed 690 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs