Lateral Hires:
Starting probationary salaries for lateral hires are equivalent to salaries outlined in the current police union contract. They are as follows:
Illinois Certified Police Officer:
Out-of-state certified police officers (with full-time experience):
Begin at the contract probationary step salary of $71,484. Upon successful completion of the State of Illinois certification process, their probationary salary will be raised to the step equivalent to their experience as referenced above.
Entry Level Hires:
Probationary Salary: $71,484
The Village of Park Forest's Board of Fire and Police Commissioners is currently conducting a Lateral and Entry Level Police Officer Recruitment.
By participating in the process, applicants may qualify to be placed on the Park Forest Police Department’s two-year eligibility list.
Additionally, select lateral applicants may be identified to participate in an expedited process should an immediate hiring need necessitate it.
Applications are being accepted online only and may be completed by clicking on the link at the bottom.
1. Review the Park Forest Police Officer Job Description
Click here to view the job description. This document details the job of Police Officer with the Village of Park Forest, including such items as job functions and physical requirements.
2. Complete an Application for Employment
Complete the application before 12 PM on Monday, September 30. To make your application complete, you will need to include a copy of your:
3. Attend mandatory Orientation (for entry level officers only, lateral attendance at orientation is optional)
Orientation attendance is mandatory for entry level officers to continue in the testing process. Attending orientation is not required for lateral applicants.
Orientation will include information on the Village of Park Forest, the profession of a Park Forest Police Officer, and the recruitment process. It will be held on:
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
6:30 PM - Doors open and check-in begins
7 PM - Doors close with no admittance afterwards. Timely arrival is required to proceed in the process.
Park Forest Village Hall (Board Room)
350 Victory Drive
Park Forest, IL 60466
4. Complete the Written Exam
To enter, candidates must:
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Doors open at 9:30 AM
Testing begins at 10 AM
No admittance afterwards. Timely arrival is required to proceed in the process.
Park Forest Police Department (Court Room)
200 Lakewood Boulevard
Park Forest, IL 60466
5. Oral Interviews with the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners conduct individual interviews. Interviews are expected to be held on October 15 and 16. No make-up dates will be offered. Applicants eligible to interview will be photographed, fingerprinted, and will complete a written computer proficiency test as part of the interview process.
Equal Opportunity Employer
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs