Starting: $56,201.60 - $61,380.80, based on relevant experience as a 9-1-1 telecommunicator in an emergency communications center
KenCom Public Safety Dispatch is seeking qualified candidates for the full-time position of 9-1-1 Telecommunicator.
Additionally, we seek experienced part-time 9-1-1 Telecommunicators with at least two years of relevant experience in an emergency communications center as a 9-1-1 telecommunicator.
The positions will remain open until all vacancies are filled.
We offer full testing services through the National Testing Network (NTN).
Upon completing your scheduled entry-level exam, KenCom will contact the candidates who have attained a passing score to participate in additional steps of the candidate selection process. You must notify KenCom of any changes in contact information during the selection process by sending an email to
Please do not call the dispatch center for employment updates or questions.
National Testing Network is a service to conduct entry-level testing in a standardized, professional environment. It does not replace KenCom's responsibility and decision-making in the hiring process. All candidate results are provided to KenCom, where the final decisions are made.
Ad viewed 1233 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs