Joliet Police Department
Joliet, Illinois
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of Joliet, Illinois is accepting applications for the position of Entry-Level and Certified Police Officer with the Joliet Police Department.
The Joliet Police Department is looking for dedicated men and women who want to make a difference in their community. Two eligibility lists will be established; applicants will only be named on one list. Certified Police Officer applicants who meet the requirements must declare which list they are applying for. All applicants must complete the same written and oral assessment to establish a numerical ranking for each list.
The Joliet Police Department is the fourth largest city in Illinois and is considered the "City of Champions." Our agency is committed to providing exceptional professional police service to our community and the safety of all residents, businesses, and visitors. The mission statement of the Joliet Police Department is "WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY FOR A SAFE CITY."
All new employees must reside within the City of Joliet/City limits within 18 months from the date of hire.
All applicants must meet the following minimum requirements established by the City of Joliet:
- Minimum of 20 years of age at time of application -AND- UNDER 35 years of age at the time of job appointment.
- Applicants who are 20 years of age by the date of the application deadline shall be eligible to take the initial examination but will not be eligible for appointment (and shall be passed over) until such time as the Applicant reaches 21 years of age. Proof of birth date will be required at the time of application.
- All applicants for examination must be citizens of the United State and/or permanent residents.
- No felony convictions or any misdemeanors involving moral turpitude convictions.
- You must possess a valid state-issued driver's license with good driving record (this will be required as proof of ID at all stages).
- Registered with selective services
- High school graduate -OR- GED equivalent.
- Must have 20/20 vision (or corrected 20/20 vision) -AND- cannot be color blind.
- Must meet the requirements of a thorough background investigation and pass a psychological test, polygraph, medical, vision, and drug testing.
- All candidates (entry-level and lateral transfers) must provide proof of completion of the P.O.W.E.R. test administered by NIPSTA, Triton College, or Joliet Junior College. A POWER test card must be dated within the same year as the 2025 application cycle. Proof of the power test must be provided during the initial application process but no later than the Final Eligibility Register list posting. Applicants who advance through the application process and are offered a conditional letter of employment must pass a subsequent Power Test (expenses paid by the police department) before attending the police academy. Failure by any applicant to complete or pass any tests according to BOFPC shall be eliminated from further consideration.
- Only P.O.W.E.R. Test administered by NIPSTA, Triton College, or Joliet Junior College will be accepted:
- The Joliet Police Department utilizes the Police Training Institute (PTI) and Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA).
- All applicants must successfully complete a written examination on Saturday, March 29, 2025. Candidates scoring in the top tier will progress to the oral board interview.
- Pay a $25.00 non-refundable application processing fee.
Certified Police Officers must meet the following requirements:
- Must meet all requirements, including a thorough background investigation, and successfully pass a psychological test, polygraph, medical, vision, and drug testing.
- The applicant must possess a current P.O.W.E.R. test card (dated within the same year as the 2025 application). The applicant may submit their P.O.W.E.R. card during the online application process but no later than posting the Final Eligibility list.
- Must have been previously or is currently employed as a sworn full-time officer with a Police Department in any municipality, county, University, or State Law Enforcement agency for at least two years.
- Completed the minimum standard basic law enforcement course required by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board or is eligible to receive certification through the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board if certified as a full-time police officer in another state. A certificate must be submitted during the application process.
- Must have completed their probationary period and are/were in good standing with their agency.
- All Certified Lateral Transfer Police Applicants shall be under 39 years of age to be appointed. If the applicant becomes over age during the application process or while on the Lateral Transfer List, they shall not be allowed to continue with the application process, not be appointed, and their name shall be immediately stricken from the list.
- Must complete the department Field Training Program, which lasts approximately four months.
All Applicants Must Meet the Requirements of the Joliet Police Department Tattoo and Body Art Policy:
- No tattoos, body art, or brands will be on the head, face, scalp, neck, or hands from the wrists to the fingertips. The area of the neck for the purpose of this standard is any portion visible while wearing a crew neck t-shirt. The area of the wrists to the fingertips for the purpose of this standard is any portion visible while wearing a sleeved shirt.
- Any visible tattoos/body art/brands considered obscene, sexually explicit, and/or advocate discrimination based on sex, race, religion, ethnicity, or national origin are prohibited. Tattoos/body art/brands that symbolize affiliation with gangs, supremacist or extremist groups, or those that advocate illegal drug use are prohibited.
- Department members are prohibited from body ornamentation, intentional body mutilation, piercing, branding, or intentional scarring. Examples of prohibited mutilation include but are not limited to split or forked tongues, foreign objects inserted under the skin to create a design or pattern, enlarged or stretched-out holes in the ears, and any intentional scarring that is visible.
Preference Points will be awarded as determined by the City of Joliet for the following, up to a maximum of ten (10) points total. Valid documentation must be submitted at the time of application to qualify. This will only apply to applicants who are not considered certified police officers.
- Military Veterans: 5 points Persons who were engaged in the active military or naval service of the United States for at least one year and who were honorably discharged from there or who are now or may hereafter be on inactive reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including persons who were convicted by court-martial of disobedience of orders, where such disobedience consisted of the refusal to perform military service on the grounds of religious or conscientious objections against war, shall be awarded five (5) preference points (evidenced by submittal of DD-214).
- Education: 2 points Bachelor's Degree in any major -OR- Associate Degree in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement from an accredited college or university.
- Prior Illinois-Certified Law Enforcement Experience: 2 points Persons who have been awarded and provide a certificate attesting to the successful completion of the Minimum Standards Basic Law Enforcement Training course - AND - are currently serving as a law enforcement officer on a full-time basis within the State of Illinois. When creating two separate eligibility lists, this does not apply to lateral transfer officers.
- Bilingual Skills: 2 points Spanish/English - Applicants must demonstrate proficiency (oral and listening) in an eligible language set forth by the Fire and Police Commission determined by a threshold of 5% of the City of Joliet (Spanish) population. The applicant must pay for and pass a test that the City of Joliet will provide. Applicants on the Certified Officer List will NOT be eligible for these points.
- Joliet Police Cadet Experience: 2 points Persons who have previously participated in the Joliet Police Department cadet program.
Preference points with valid documentation and submittal are available to Certified Lateral Transfer officers.
- Military Veterans: 5 points Persons who were engaged in the active military or naval service of the United States for a period of at least one year and who were honorably discharged from there, or who are now or may hereafter be on inactive reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including persons who were convicted by court-martial of disobedience of orders, where such disobedience consisted of the refusal to perform military service on the grounds of religious or conscientious objections against war, shall be awarded five (5) preference points (evidenced by submittal of DD-214).
- Education: 2 points Bachelor’s Degree in any major -OR- Associate Degree in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement from an accredited college or university.
To apply for this position or obtain additional information, please visit the following website:
Submission of Application:
Applications MUST be submitted online by:
Friday, March 14, 2025 at 4:00 PM (CST)
Faxed, e-mailed, mailed or dropped off applications will NOT be accepted. Applications submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted. Only one application per person, per testing cycle will be accepted.
Mandatory Orientation and Written Examination Testing:
Following completion of all application materials and review of minimum qualifications, successful applicants will be invited to attend the following. Clear your calendar and make sure you are available on the following date:
Mandatory Orientation and Written Exam:
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Joliet West High School Administration
401 N. Larkin Avenue
Joliet, IL 60435
Time to be determined based on number of eligible applicants participating.
Please be advised all candidates will receive an email approximately one week prior regarding their eligibility to continue in the process and specific information pertaining to the testing location and start time. NOTE: Please be sure to check your email spam folder. Many email account providers automatically send our emails there in error (i.e. Google, Yahoo, etc.).
For more information regarding the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police, refer to:
Important Disclaimer for Potential Applicants:
As part of this application form, you will be required to submit various documents, records and/or additional forms. Be sure to allow sufficient time to gather this documentation and fully complete the application before the deadline. In other words, do not wait until one day before the deadline to collect and submit additional required documentation. In order for your application to be accepted, all materials must be submitted and received prior to the deadline. Applicants must be as complete and detailed as possible in filling out the application. Incomplete or inaccurate information may cause your application to be eliminated from further consideration by the City of Joliet.
The City of Joliet is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.