Starting: $81,060.80 (FOP CBA step 1 and certified police officer stipend)
Annual step increases until the top step of contractual salary schedule is reached (FOP CBA step 6 in 6 years - currently $115,131.20)
The Department offers competitive salary and benefits along with future growth and advancement opportunities.
Comprehensive benefit package including:
The Lake Zurich Police Department, an accredited Lake County, Illinois agency, is currently hiring for the position of Police Officer.
The Lake Zurich (IL) Police Department offers full testing services for the position of police officer through National Testing Network (NTN).
To register with NTN and schedule a test, go to:
Select 'Find Jobs', then select Law Enforcement Jobs and sign up for Lake Zurich Police Department
When you visit the website:
Upon completion of your scheduled exam, scores are automatically forwarded to the Lake Zurich Police Department. Candidates who attain a passing score on the entry level exam will be asked to participate in an interview with the Lake Zurich Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Candidates that pass both the written exam and interview will be placed on Lake Zurich's eligibility list. Lake Zurich will contact candidates on the list and will invite them to participate in further stages of the selection process.
National Testing Network is a service provided to conduct entry level testing in a standardized, professional environment. National Testing Network does not replace the Lake Zurich Police Department's responsibility and decision making in the testing process. All candidate results are provided to the Lake Zurich Police Department where the final decisions are made.
To learn more about the Lake Zurich Police Department visit:
847-719-1690 x 6112
The Village of Lake Zurich is an equal opportunity employer.
Michael Hilt, Chairman Lake Zurich Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs