Patrol Officers, if appointed by the Board, as of May 1, 2019, shall be compensated $47,844.28 during the initial and first 12 months of probationary employment; $53,557.45 during the second 12 month period of employment; $59,384.88 during the third 12 month period of employment; $65,098.05 during the fourth 12 month period of employment; $70,811.22 during the fifth 12 month period of employment; $75,855.09 during the sixth 12 month period of employment, and $82,988.21 after the sixth 12 month period of employment.
Fringe benefits presently include:
NOTICE, pursuant to state law, the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners for the Village of River Grove, Illinois, will hold competitive examinations in River Grove to provide an eligibility list for the position of Patrol Officer within the River Grove Police Department.
The competition for placement on the eligibility list is open to any applicant of good record and good character, residing in Cook, DuPage, Kane, McHenry, or Lake Counties, Illinois, for a period of one (1) year, and who is at least 21 years of age and under 35 years of age (as of April 20, 2020). Individuals who are 20 years of age with two (2) years of qualified law enforcement training also qualify for examination.
A copy of the applicant's birth certificate and high school diploma (or its equivalent) must be attached to the application. Failure to to attach both documents to the application will disqualify an applicant from the competition.
Any individual subsequently appointed by the Board must complete the probationary period of employment, and may be required to reside within the boundaries established by Village ordinance.
Aplicants must pay a $25.00, non-refundable, processing fee in advance.
Administrative Offices
2621 Thatcher Avenue
River Grove, Illinois
during regular office hours
All applications must be completed and delivered to the Administrative Offices at or before 4:00 PM on Friday, February 14, 2020. Applications received or delivered by mail or personally after this deadline will not be accepted.
P.O.W.E.R. testing available through:
Triton College
January 25
February 8 and 22
(P.O.W.E.R. cards are not required until the interview and are not only at Triton).
February 29, 2020 and March 14 and 21, 2020, respectively
Final eligibility list to be published on or about April 20, 2020.
Military service, certified standard law enforcement training with current full-time or part-time employment as a law enforcement officer within Illinois, and/or having an associate's degree in the field of law enforcement or criminal justice, or a bachelor's degree may provide an applicant with special preference, and proof of such service, training or degree(s) must be furnished by the applicant within 10 days of the posting of the initial eligibility list by the Board.
The Village of River Grove is an equal opportunity employer seeking qualified Black, Hispanic and other minority applicants as well as White applicants for employment without regard to race, color, sex, or ethnic origin. Applicants with qualified disabilities will be reasonably accomodated upon prior notification.
Ordered for publication by authority of the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners for the Village of River Grove, Illinois.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs