Starting: $60,700.00
The City of Crest Hill Civil Service Commission is accepting applications and testing for Police Officers.
Persons interested in employment must submit to testing and be placed on an eligibility list.
All U.S. Citizens Age 21-34 years old may apply
City of Crest Hill
All applications must be signed—both manual and digital signatures accepted.
The deadline to apply for this position is 4:30 p.m. August 31, 2020.
Signed applications can be sent to:
City of Crest Hill
ATTN: Human Resources
1610 Plainfield Road
Crest Hill, IL 60403
All candidates will need to take and pass a written and oral assessment. Successful candidates will be placed in rank order on an eligibility list and may apply for preference points based on military status.
Ad viewed 9773 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs