Starting: $47,513.00
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for the Village of Bellwood is now accepting applications for the position of Entry Level Firefighter.
Testing is being conducted to establish an Eligibility List for future hiring needs.
Applications will be limited to the first 150 purchased.
Applications will no longer be available once 150 applications have been purchased.
The Fire Department is a member of Division 20 Mutual Aid Pact, which includes 17 neighboring communities. The pact is a member of the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System that covers Illinois.
The Village of Bellwood offers both residents and visitors an excellent infrastructure, a low crime rate, easy access via highways, streets and public transportation to one of the nation’s most thriving metropolitan areas. Among its many other attributes, this close-knit community has a long tradition of collaborating and networking to develop and execute special events, programs and initiatives that make Bellwood a great place to be just outside of Chicago.
Applications will be online for purchase until 9/16/20 – 2:00 PM or once 150 have been purchased
The deadline for returning completed applications is:
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 by 4:00 PM
Please Note: This is not a postmarked by date
C.O.P.S. and F.I.R.E. Personnel Testing Service
ATTN: Bellwood FD
200 W. Higgins Road, Suite 201
Schaumburg, IL 60195
All individuals meeting eligibility requirements are encouraged to continue with the application process.
There is a $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Applications are NOT available at the Bellwood Fire Department or Village Hall.
Mandatory Orientation and Written Examination:
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Registration starts at 8:00 AM
Orientation – 8:30 AM
Written Examination immediately following the Orientation
Village of Bellwood Fire Department
3200 Washington Boulevard
Bellwood, IL
All applications are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the Village of Bellwood, which is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Ad viewed 4166 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs